Friday, 27 September 2013

Miley Cyrus on Weed: So Much Better Than Cocaine!

Who knows what this two would have been if they where Nigerians.
Miley Cyrus has already offered some
advice to Justin Bieber : Grow up.
Now, she has indirectly offered up a
few words of wisdom to Lamar Odom,
based on recent allegations
surrounding that reality star: Cocaine
sucks, man!
"Hollywood is a coke town, but weed
is so much better. And Molly, too,"
Miley said in new excerpts from her
interview with Rolling Stone.
"Those are happy drugs - social
drugs. They make you want to be with
friends. You're out in the open.
You're not in a bathroom."
This isn't the first time Cyrus has
talked about a love for marijuana , but
it's certainly the most detailed she
has ever gotten.

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